Wednesday, October 10, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front:

Character Post:

The character I chose is Paul Baumer. He is the main character in this book and is also the narrator. The book is told from him. He is only nineteen years old when he enlisted in the German Army. When he gets to deployed, he is sent to the western front. On the western front, he experiences many issues. Issues that range from psychological effects and to physical effects. Many common issues that war brings to the soldiers. Before he left, Paul was a creative, compassionate and sensitive person. He was passionate and loved his family, but the war slowly changed him. He used to love to write poetry. He started to disconnect himself from his feelings. He learned that he had to disconnect his feelings in order to survive and to keep his sanity. He has feelings of being an outcast where his family is concerned. Paul is unable to mourn the deaths of his fellow soldiers, unable to feel at home, and not able to express his feelings about the war, Paul starts to become a "human animal". But because Paul is truly a sensitive person, he is unable to detach himself 100%. By the end of the book, you see Paul realize that he has lost all his hopes and dreams and he makes the decision that he has nothing more to lose. By the end of the book, Paul is killed.

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